By Admin
This was Gay Pride in Izamal, Yucatan 2022! Congratulations to this Yellow Magical Town for its second edition. The Yucatan LGBTQI+ community participating in the march for a more inclusive Yucatan, and we love to share how PRIDE was celebrated in Izamal!
This year the rainbow came to the yellow town of Izamal. Izamal, a favorite magical town among us Mexicans, received activists from the LGBT community to raise awareness and demand equal rights, as part of a series of gay pride marches held throughout the state of Yucatan, large cities, as well as small towns. . This year a great effort was made so that the gay flag waved in all corners of the state, promoted by civil associations and the talented Yucatecan drag queens could not miss, who are always willing to raise the event with their looks and performances. Congratulations to Izamal for their second LGBT pride parade.

If you are interested in visiting this beautiful Magical Town full of history, we invite you to make a reservation at the following button.