The Magic of a True Mexican Beach Town
A quiet mexican town, once the biggest and most important naval port in the region with thousand of historic stories that defiened the current state of Yucatán. Only 45 min away from Merida. We highly recommend this not crowded location to refresh and enjoy the beautiful beach.
Hosted By Ricardo
Experienced 5 year guide in the Yucatan Peninsula and the Mayan culture. Click here to learn more
The experience
- Main Activity -
Town and beach
If you’re looking for the perfect authentic beach destination, then consider this true mexican beach town. Full of colors and delicous food, this paradise is not known for many. Sisal was once the main port at the Peninsula, you will learn this little town have many secrets from the past. Look for the flying flamingos in the sky or on the mangroves!
Everyone who visit Sisal fall in love with it, We will tour the small beach town, see the dock, the downtown, the lighthouse, eat some cremitas de coco (Sisal people favorite dessert), and spend time at the turquoise beach.
Sisal Town is unique, it is full of street art walls, since its the home of the anual Kiiwik Festival, whose goal is to increase the environmental awareness in the community.
Our commitment is to the LGBTQ+ community by increasing visibility. When people are able to see something represented, they are better able to understand and grasp who those people are, and this creates an important shift in the social consciousness to include people from a range of different backgrounds.
Our commitment is to the environment. We are living at the edge of a time where sustainability actions are a must. As in every part of the world, Yucatan has its own specific environmental challenges. It’s our responsibility to pass this knowledge to our customers to reduce impact on nature while still enjoying it.